4-H Regionals Weekend

September 01, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

This weekend is always a busy one, but one that I always look forward to! 4-h is such an amazing organization for kids to flourish and fall in love with agriculture and science, to really find their tribe of people. The horse shows are always supportive and full of smiles. I just love seeing families making memories together. 


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Saturday was rough though, guys. Real rough. It started off great, no issues! Overcast and breezy, just the way I like the weather for photos. Then the rain started and it didn't stop. I kept drying off my camera until my shirt was too soaked to be helpful. All the things I wanted to pack in my camera bag, but forgot, suddenly come back to me. I was trying to find cover after my camera and I were truly soaked and overheard a young man on the phone say "How is regionals? A big puddle. Regionals is a big, giant puddle." And it was accurate. Everyone was soaked...but the kids...the kids were still going! Kids are just built different. I wasn't even riding and I was already dreaming of a hot shower, my warm bed, and a cup of coffee. I guess that's how I know I'm pushing thirty.  I did find a really good spot right next to the judge's booth. If I stood in juuuust the right spot, the rain couldn't get me.


Then my camera shut off. 


And it wouldn't turn back on. 


It's a photographer's worst nightmare. So many words went through my head. None of which were appropriate for a 4-h event. The volunteers in the announcer's booth were so pleasant while I stood there trying desperately to dry every piece of equipment. No luck, still wouldn't turn on and I had to call it a day. I got home and still no luck getting it to turn on. To tell you my heart was broken would be an understatement. My camera is my baby. Luckily, I have an amazingly supportive husband who believes in me. I shed a lot of tears and needed a lot of consoling, but we decided to upgrade my camera game. I was shooting with a Rebel. It's a good camera, but I have been trying to push it to do things it just couldn't do. I outgrew it a few years ago, but I made it work. Upgraded lenses and pushed myself in Photoshop. We went all out on this upgrade, had to drive to Jersey to get it but I finally got my dream camera body... Canon Mark D IV. And oh she's a beast.




Sunday was a much better day. It's always a better day with a camera upgrade. My husband and my two kids (3yo and 1yo) set up the the tent and camped out at my business table. Did I mention how supportive and amazing my husband is? I went to work running back and forth between all three rings and somehow found some time for a slice of pizza. The weather went from overcast and misting to bright, sunny, and HOT. I complain about the weather a lot, but I'm just really not a fan of summer...but I was happy to catch my favorite class, Mini Jumping (ugh, I just want a barn full of sassy minis) which made it all so worth it. Some of those minis have SPRINGS!




I truly missed the 4-h show last year (thanks, 2020) and all the people involved. It was a great show and I can't wait until next year! 

Now here's to hoping for a beautiful fall and some amazing sessions! And also that my camera sitting in a container of rice will turn back on eventually.


Hearts and Hoofbeats,



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